Dr. Ella Crawford is the founder and Senior Pastor of Old Landmark New Birth Ministries of Roanoke Rapids, NC and New Birth Ministries International, Inc. of Woodbridge, VA. Dr. Ella Crawford has over 44 years of experience serving the Christian community through preaching and teaching both nationally and internationally for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and the edifying of the Body of Christ. (Eph. 4:12). She is a natural and spiritual mother, counselor, mentor, teacher, prophet, prayer warrior, and intercessor. After having a divine encounter with God and recognizing his unconditional love beginning to flow in her life, she accepted him as her Lord and Savior on April 22, 1977.

On January 24, 2004 she was affirmed in the office of an Apostle officiated by Bishop Ocie Gorham and Prophet Anthony Moore. She holds a Doctorate Degree in Divinity and several certifications in theological studies. The woman of God is gifted to help others assess and determine their spiritual gifts and callings. Dr. Crawford seeks to develop, equip, and mature other believers and leaders in the body of Christ. This transformation has allowed her to advance the Kingdom. In 2003, she founded One Accord Fellowship International Alliance, which is an Apostolic Network that brings Ministries and Pastors together for the purpose of enhancing spiritual gifts, increasing spiritual knowledge, and empowering disciples to advance in the kingdom of God. Dr. Crawford seeks to fulfill God’s will and purpose for her life. She has traveled across the United States birthing out Apostolic Ministries in New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kansas, Florida, and Alabama. Her International Work has included nations such as Africa (Johannesburg, Kenya), England (London), Japan, and the Netherlands (St. Martin). Dr. Crawford has started an outreach ministry to further the Gospel around the World “There is a need Ministry.” This outreach ministry continues to provide both spiritually and naturally for the body of Christ where-ever the Holy Spirit leads.

Dr. Crawford’s desire is to complete the God-ordained assignment of her life by “doing the work of an Apostle and making full proof of the ministry.” Her objective is to touch the world with the transforming power of God by humbly yielding to the impenetrable charge to reach the lost, and to speak life and hope to his people. She has seen the manifestation of miracles, signs, and wonders throughout her ministry. Her greatest gift to those she encounters is the Love of Christ.


From the Desk of the Overseer:

Dear Family and Friends!

It gives me great pleasure to serve you as Overseer of New Birth Ministry. As an Overseer, it is my obligation to do as Acts 20:28 says “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”

I have been under the tutelage of Dr. Ella Crawford for the past 20 years. I received a license to the office of Evangelism in 2003, and later ordained as an Elder of the Ministry in 2008. In 2012, I was ordained by the Apostolic Alliance board as Overseer. Since 2012, I have had the extreme privilege to assist Dr. Ella Crawford in moving the vision of New Birth Ministry forward. Over the past 20 years, other administrative duties that the Holy Spirit has blessed me to be able to serve in ministry are Church Administrator, Food Bank Ministry Director, Outreach Project Management, and Event Planning.

I wholeheartedly enjoy witnessing new souls coming to Christ and being a part of their development and spiritual growth. Here at New Birth Ministry, we strongly teach the Gospel of Grace for believers to be free to come to Christ and let the WORD of God transform lives!

We would love for you to be a part of our Vision and help us spread the gospel all across the globe!

Love & Kindness,
Overseer Shantelle Bethea